
It goes without question that online video is a booming Web technology. The emergence of megasites like Google Video, YouTube, and Hulu continually reinforce that fact.

While these megasites have their place, not everyone wants their business identity linked to them. Have you noticed that when a YouTube video is finished, it brings up other related videos? Those could be from competitors, spoofs or potentially inappropriate content.

If you are looking for high-quality video with a corporate branded look and feel, then Visual Blaze has your answer. We utilize our own streaming servers and can design a video player tailored to your company that can do just about anything a player like YouTube will.

Whether you’re looking for full screen video, fast streaming video, multiple video playlists or custom controls, we have the solution.

And it doesn't have to end there. Visual Blaze can help move your video “outside the box.” With the power of green screen technology we can seamlessly integrate video personalities directly into a client’s site. We can also incorporate video into full Flash sites for those “highly original” and captivating pieces.